1. 养宠物的好处坏处英文
养小孩 Raising a child
培养下一代 Cultivate the next generation
养狗 keep the dog
养猪 raise pigs
养老 provide for the aged
你可以看到“养”在不同的情况下,用了不同的单词,比如“raise, cultivate, keep, provide”,其实这些词本身已经脱离了“养”的含义。
2. 养宠物的好处坏处英文怎么说
pet 读音:英 [pet] 美 [pet] n. 宠物;受宠的人 adj. 宠爱的 v. 爱抚;亲抚 短语 Pet Sounds 宠物之声 ; 唱片名 Pet Sematary 宠物坟场 ; 禁入坟场 ; 宠物公墓 ; 宠物墓地 digital pet 电子宠物 Pet name 爱称 ; 昵称 ; 表示亲昵 ; 当前宠物名称 例句 It can also be about your pet, favorite food or dresses and so on. 它也可以是关于你的宠物,喜爱的食物和衣服等等的小文章。
3. 养宠物的好处坏处英文翻译
With the development of the times, more and more people like to keep pets. Pets are the best companions of human beings. They spend their whole lives with us. Pets can make lonely people feel warm, can let parents without children get comfort, but also can accompany the growth of children.
Pets can not only bring us happiness, but also help us sometimes. News of dogs saving their owners often appears. Still, there are some drawbacks to having a pet. Pets are hard and easy to lose hair, which will lead to hair everywhere in the house, and some pets are very lively, and even destroy the furniture.So when you decide to have a pet, think twice.
4. 养宠物的好处英文翻译
养宠物可以培养儿童的爱心和耐心 尤其可以陪伴独生子女
现在是一个快节奏生活的时代 工作压力和学习压力都大 可以解压 比如心情不好可以撸猫从而
当你养了猫和狗之后你会发现早上很难不早起 猫咪和狗会跳到床上以各种方式喊你起床带它们
特别的养狗的小伙伴应该知道 每天遛2次狗 无论刮风还是下雨 遛弯会每天成为狗狗的一种习惯
特别的大型狗 如果今天没遛弯分分钟钟把家给你拆完 出门之后就不是人遛狗而是狗遛人了 几圈下来已经汗流浃背了
当你出门遇到危险的时候加入你身边有一条狗狗那么你会有一个寄托 特别的看家犬 当然你有一个足够宠物的宠物的话 独自在家晕倒 那么它可能会跑去找别人或者邻居求救
8最重要的一条 可能从此告别单身狗
有一天你牵着一条狗出去遛弯 正好有喜欢宠物的女孩子 你可以顺理成章的成为好友 平常发发宠物图片 聊聊天 从而发展成情侣
5. 养宠物利大于弊英文
according to the fact,cram school become more porpular in the modren society.it has clearly benefits,but it also has nagetive view which we cannot ignored.
as the professer who specific analysis this module point out,after take full schedule of a day,to have some fitness club is the best choice to achive more both them physical and mental growth.be honestly,most of the children does have a positive attitude of their cram scholl,it is consider to take the freedom in their mind.